The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists

IFDH eNews: June 2023


IFDH President Gives Presentation At FDI Sustainability Summit

A few days ago, FDI held a virtual summit on Sustainability in Dentistry highlighting the dental profession and industry’s commitment to reducing the environmental impact of oral healthcare. During the summit, participants had the opportunity to hear captivating case studies, innovative ideas, and research projects, all dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of dentistry.

IFDH President Wanda Fedora was asked to speak on prevention, as it pertains to oral disease and sustainability. She stated that “Although the answer to sustainability could seem to be simply stated as prevention, it is more complicated than that. As an industry we must consider all aspects of what we do and how each can impact our planet.”

She also noted that “We must strive to deliver excellent oral health care in a sustainable manner. If that is addressed in reusables, recyclables, and reduction in waste, then we are moving in the right direction. Yes, prevention can affect all of these, and it will have a huge impact on creating a more sustainable industry. I encourage all of you to stop, step back and look at ways to be part of the solution.”

Sustainability in Dentistry Summit

Survey #8 Results:
Oral Hygiene Instructions

The IFDH has recently completed its eighth survey of dental hygienists. This survey helps to better understand global Dental Hygienists’ practices regarding Oral Hygiene Instructions. We thank all the participants from countries around the world. And we thank P&G for their support of this program.

Click here for an overview summary of each survey.

oral health practices
Proctor & Gamble

Board Fine-tuning New Strategic Plan

When the Board of Directors met in March, a full day was set aside to review the IFDH strategic plan from 4 years ago. The 2019 plan had been our guide for the development of programs, sponsors and partners. The oral health community changes as it responds to developments and advancements and with that, we must also shift our focus in response.

The review of the 2019 Strategic Plan and discussion for the future, was led by our Executive Director Peter Anas, and has resulted in a detailed document to guide us in our quest for quality programs and consistent growth in all areas.

The board is currently applying a timetable to each of the 61 strategies across 6 separate categories. The updated document will be shared with the House of Delegates later in June for discussion at the HoD Mid-term Meeting in September.

IFDH 2023 Strategic Plan
IFDH Board March 2023