The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists


There are various forms of memebership to IFDH, please see below the various options and the application forms.

1. Association Membership


Full Association Member

A Full Association Member shall be a dental hygienists organization representing one (1) nation and which has a written constitution or articles of incorporation, or the equivalent thereof, which is consistent with the Federation’s purpose as set forth in the IFDH Bylaws. Each Full Association Member must be comprised of members who are recognized by the Federation as representing qualified registered/licensed dental hygienists in that country. A Full Association Member must demonstrate support for the Federation’s policies. Each Full Association Member may exercise its vote regarding Federation matters at the House of Delegates’ meeting, as set forth in the IFDH Bylaws. Each Full Association Member shall have one (1) vote per delegate at House of Delegates’ meetings regarding Federation matters and such vote may be made only by a designated member of the Full Association Member, whose designation shall be disclosed to the Federation prior to any vote. There shall be only one (1) Full Association Member for any one (1) country.

Affiliated Association Member

Where an IFDH Full Association Member currently exists in a country, an Affiliated Association Member shall be a subsequent dental hygienists organization representing the same nation and which has a written constitution or articles of incorporation, or the equivalent thereof, which is consistent with the Federation’s purpose as set forth in the IFDH Bylaws. Each Affiliated Association Member must be comprised of members who are recognized by the Federation as also representing qualified registered/licensed dental hygienists in that country. An Affiliated Association Member must demonstrate support for the Federation’s policies. Affiliated Association Members do not have the right to vote at any meeting.


Any national dental hygienists’ association who is classified in the UN list of Least Developed Countries (UN list of least developed countries | UNCTAD) and has a written constitution or articles of incorporation and whose members are recognized by the Federation as representing a substantial proportion of the qualified registered/licensed dental hygienists in that country and, in addition, demonstrates support for the policies of the IFDH shall be eligible for membership in the Federation. Association Members Non-Financial do not have the right to vote at the HOD meetings or by mail or email ballot. Only one association may represent any one nation.

2. Individual Membership

Dental hygienists who support the policies of the Federation and who show written proof of graduating from an accredited minimum two year dental hygiene program or written proof of membership (in good standing) in an Association that is an IFDH member shall be eligible for Individual Membership.

Individual member benefits:

  • Annual subscription to the International Journal of Dental Hygiene
  • Receive the eNews via email 4 times per year
  • Reduced fees to IFDH activities
  • Reduced registration to ISDH
  • Reduced fees to IFDH Education Academy seminars and events
  • A certificate confirming your individual membership of IFDH
  • Advice on international issues concerning oral health & dental hygienists
  • IFDH branded promotional item

3. Honorary Life Membership

Honorary-Life Members shall be individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the profession of dental hygiene and to the Federation.

4. Student Membership

Dental hygiene students who support the policies of the Federation and who show written proof of enrolment in an accredited minimum two-year hygiene program shall be eligible for student membership.

  • Annual subscription to the International Journal of Dental Hygiene
  • Receive the eNews via email 4 times per year
  • Reduced fees to IFDH activities
  • Reduced registration to ISDH
  • Reduced fees to IFDH Education Academy seminars and events
  • A certificate confirming your individual membership of IFDH
  • Advice on international issues concerning oral health & dental hygienists
  • IFDH branded promotional item

5. Allied Supporter

Allied Supporters shall be institutions, federations, organizations or groups who promote wellness and prevention and who demonstrate support for the policies of the Federation.