Social Responsibility
- Promote access to quality preventive oral health services.
- Increase public awareness that oral disease can be prevented through proven regimens.
- Provide a forum for the understanding and discussion of issues pertaining to dental hygiene.
Social Responsibility 2022-2024
In recent years, our knowledge about the relationship between oral health and overall health has increased. We now know that several health concerns, including cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, have been associated with periodontal disease. Studies show that populations who do not access to oral health care are more at risk of developing issues with their overall health.
To reach these vulnerable populations, the IFDH is encouraging its members to develop projects that will reach these vulnerable populations. Projects that will allow oral health knowledge to be shared with teachers, colleagues, assistants, nurses, and care givers who in turn can help others. Teaching the teacher.
A healthy smile generates higher self-esteem and confidence. Helping educate others about oral health hopefully have a domino effect for a brighter, healthier future for all. Learn more, watch our videos, & get the tools to help you get started including a Project Reporting Application.
Social Responsibility 2021-2022
Social changes and awareness in the past few years have uncovered a host of vulnerabilities among the female population. We have been exposed to the delicate, frail, and desperate women among us. Some of these women endure both physical and psychological damage. Their oral health is affected from lack of self-care or minimal access to professional care.
Empowering women by creating awareness of oral health is a vital and worthwhile mission. A healthy smile generates higher self-esteem and confidence. And since women are caregivers to both their offspring and aging parents, they influence their entire families. Helping women to achieve better oral health will hopefully have a domino effect for a brighter, healthier future for all.
Our theme for the next 2 years is:
EMPOWERING WOMEN: Gracing Our Faces With Healthy Smiles.
The IFDH is encouraging its members to develop projects that empower women through better oral health.
Social Responsibility 2020
The balance of IFDH member countries that have not presented will now be invited to share their experiences in social responsibility. Some of the countries not participating didn’t appreciate the impact their outreach was accomplishing and now will be asked to share their stories and together with their colleagues gain experience and guidance as we move forward with our global social outreach initiatives. Thanks to our sponsors Dentsply Sirona, Colgate and Curasept, we were able to welcome our colleagues to the ISDH and share their success.
Social Responsibility Seminar 2019
The attendees at the ISDH 2019 in Brisbane, Australia saw an enthusiastic group of 17 presenters from IFDH Association Member countries deliver updates and news on life changing programs being delivered globally. The diversity of the programs ranged from early childhood education, to underserviced neighbourhood outreach, to delivery of education in homes for disabled youth, through to third world clinics and on to teaching oral care in long term care homes for the elderly. A 50-page book has been published documenting the results.
Social Responsibility 2017 Conference
This program, held in July 2017, had a focus on designing action plans that are community-based and advocacy-focused to prevent caries in children. The two-day conference brought together experts in prevention programs, health literacy, and social responsibility who will assist dental hygienists in creating the steps needed to be effective in health promotion and disease prevention. Read the Declaration approved by the attendees.
Social Responsibility Awareness Workshop 2016
This first program was designed to build awareness among the IFDH House of Delegates and included a 2.5 hour workshop held at the House of Delegates meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland on June 21, 2016, where representatives of all 32 member countries were present. Speakers from around the globe educated those present on successful social responsibility programs and more.
This program set the stage for delegates to understand their role in supporting social responsibility programs within their respective countries and worldwide. They were charged with initiating further discussions about social responsibility in their respective countries and identifying teams to attend the 2017 conference below.
Social Responsibility Awards Program
The IFDH and the Global Child Dental Fund had an awards program from 2014 – 2016 to recognize, on an annual basis, hygienists and student hygienists who participate in a volunteering project which benefits disadvantaged children, mainly but not exclusively in low- and middle-income countries. Read more about this program and learn about the award recipients.