The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists

Social Responsibility 2022-2024

Sharing Oral Health Knowledge for Sustainable Smiles

In recent years, our knowledge about the relationship between oral health and overall health has increased. We now know that several health concerns, including cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, have been associated with periodontal disease. Studies show that populations who do not access to oral health care are more at risk of developing issues with their overall health.

To reach these vulnerable populations, the IFDH is encouraging its members to develop projects that will reach these vulnerable populations. Projects that will allow oral health knowledge to be shared with teachers, colleagues, assistants, nurses, and care givers who in turn can help others. Teaching the teacher.

A healthy smile generates higher self-esteem and confidence. Helping educate others about oral health hopefully have a domino effect for a brighter, healthier future for all.

Are your members participating in programs that educate others?

  • If so, please let us know.
  • If not, we invite you to develop a project to share with colleagues. It can be a small project in a community, or a nation-wide initiative, as long as it addresses the theme. We will highlight 3 projects at a special session in Seoul, Korea, at the ISDH Symposium, July 11-14, 2024.

Weve Got Tips & Tools to Help You Get Started

The Social Responsibility Committee welcomes your involvement. Please contact the Committee Chair Wendy Stewart , to let us know you are participating. Throughout the remainder of 2023 and into 2024, we will be in contact to support our registered members with tips and tools to Sharing Oral Health Knowledge for Sustainable Smiles.

We invite you to develop a project to share with colleagues. It can be a small project in a community, or a nation-wide initiative, as long as it addresses the theme. We will highlight 3 projects at a special session in Seoul, Korea at the ISDH Symposium, July 11-14, 2024.

See the Tools below to help you:

2024 Award Winners

1st Place:

SmileCARE: Improving Oral Health in Aged Care
Cathryn Carboon, Australia

2nd Place:

Going Miles for Healthy Smiles
Noreen Ocampo
The Filipino – Canadian Dental Hygienists Association

3rd Place:

Oral Health for Mentally Challenged People
The Israeli Dental Hygiene Association

Honorable Mention

  • Oboadaka Community Dental Outreach Project
    Raquel Cofield
  • Rescue Tooth
    Abdul Naveed
  • Sustainable Smiles
    Cathryn Carboon