IFDH eNews: April 2024


IFDH Attends Women’s Leadership Conference

The IFDH was well represented at the recent International Women’s Leadership Conference (IWLC), hosted by the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) in New Orleans.  President-Elect Jill Rethman, Vice President Fouzieh Eliassy, and Secretary Sharon Friedman attended the two-day event.  With speakers from across the globe, the conference provided a worldwide perspective of women in leadership and how they are making a difference in policy, service, research, and more.  

The opening keynote speaker, Elizabeth Bonker, is a non-verbal autistic activist who has promoted typing as a way to communicate.  Her story was inspirational and moving.  In addition, the former Minister of Education in Afghanistan, Rangina Hamidi, discussed rising above adversity to support women’s rights and independence.  She shared her account of the challenges faced by women in war-torn countries and the importance of providing opportunities for women to thrive, in spite of overwhelming challenges.

Additional panel discussions and plenary speakers addressed good health and well-being, oral health access and inequities, and improving women’s health through research and leadership.  An enjoyable lunch time presentation highlighted the art, music and literature talents of attendees.  This 7th IWLC was the first one held in the United States.  The IFDH was recognized as a partner organization for assisting with messaging about the IWLC. 

Board Visits Research Annual Conferences

The IFDH Board  members were in New Orleans in March to take part in a number of conferences and meetings. President Wanda Fedora was in attendance at the Opening ceremony of the International Association of Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research (IADR) conference which was held in conjunction with the American Association of Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research and the Canadian Association of Dental Research.

Research is the foundation of our evidence led practice model and the topics and presentations during the conference were multi-faceted. Our researchers are dedicated to their professions and our oral health knowledge will continue to evolve thanks to their continued research.

IFDH Represented at 2 European Meetings

Platform for Better Oral Health: On February 13th, the new Manifesto of the Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe, was presented in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, entitled “Smile your way to a Healthy Life’. It briefly describes the burden of oral health, the link with other NCD’s, the impact of oral conditions and the costs of oral healthcare. It is a call for action for policymakers to promote and maintain good oral health and wellbeing for all people in the EU to reduce the strain on society and healthcare systems. There are 6 overall policy recommendations for oral health and the public in general and at a Member State level. Among other things: adopt best practices, implement the WHO Action plan on Oral Health and innovation of the healthcare force with the focus on public health – all very useful for our profession as well.

Thank you to Corrie Jongbloed-Zoet for representing IFDH at the meeting. Click for more information.  

European Federation of Periodontology: On the same day the European Federation of Periodontology presented a white paper called “Time to put your money where your mouth is”, addressing inequalities in oral health. The report is an Economist Impact white paper providing an independent analysis of the growing burden periodontitis and caries, the linkage between these diseases and examines how an integrated approach can mitigate common risk factors, improve individual oral health outcomes and promote wider systemic health. A “caries prevention and care cost calculator” was developed that estimates the longitudinal direct costs of caries management (across different socioeconomic groups in six countries) and the cost reduction associated with applying preventive interventions. A very interesting and useful report full of policy recommendations, that proves a positive return on investment for preventive oral healthcare! See: www.efp.org (special publications).

IFDH Announce Pre-Symposium Research Conference

Exciting news! Are you writing a scientific research paper or reviewing a scientific paper for your Journal? Possibly you are a student preparing a research document for your education. This is the seminar for you! The Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, Dagmar Else Slot, will be hosting a seminar to develop your research writing and reviewing skills. The Seminar will be held July 10th, the day prior to the opening of the international Symposium on Dental Hygiene in Seoul. If you are registered to attend the symposium you can also register for the seminar and learn from an expert. Watch the ISDH website for further information www.ISDH2024.com