IFDH eNews: October 2022
New IFDH Board Elected
Congratulations to the new IFDH Board of Directors recently elected at the HoD Business Meeting in Malahide, Ireland. Led by incoming President Wanda Fedora of Canada, see the full list.

New Committees
Incoming President Wanda Fedora has appointed a new slate of Committee Chairs immediately after the HoD Business Meeting in Malahide, Ireland. See the full list.
New IFDH Branding
IFDH has kicked off its new branding program with a new logo. It has a strong look with a focus on the IFDH acronym. It keeps the 2 blue shades and adds a new stronger orange accent color, stronger than the yellow used in the past. Following right behind this is a new website, coming mid- October. All other IFDH visual elements will incorporate the new logo and colors.

IFDH & EDHF Follow with Another Joint Statement to WHO
Having sent the IFDH/EDHF Joint Statement to the WHO with an Oral Health Overview & The Role of the Dental Hygienist, in May 2022, the two organizations followed up in September with another Joint Statement on Actions to be Taken to Achieve the Goals of the Global Oral Health Action Plan. Read the statement.