The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists

IFDH eNews: October 2022

Member News



A National Oral Health Care Plan for Canadian Seniors

Many population groups in Canada face barriers to professional oral care but seniors are especially vulnerable to the health consequences of such limited access. To address this, CDHA recently released a policy paper that analyses the realities of seniors’ oral care in Canada and urges the federal government to commit $2 billion over five years to provincial and territorial governments to deliver a national oral health care program to support seniors’ oral and overall health.


New Xylitol Resource: How Sweet it Is


As a Dental Hygienist, one plays an essential role in educating clients on how to prevent caries, proper toothbrushing techniques, interproximal cleaning, using antibacterial and fluoride mouth rinses, and recommending fluoride treatments when appropriate. Clients at high risk for caries may need more education. Click HERE to learn more about improving clients oral health.


Going Back to Dublin!

After hosting the successful ISDH in August, the Irish Dental Hygienist Association (IDHA) is currently preparing for its Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting in November in Dublin. Generally, a day and a half event, this year we pack in a scientific program, Annual General Meeting, Hygienist of the Year Award and 35-year anniversary celebrations. President Linda Phelan (pictured) and Jeannine Byrne will attend the EDHF meeting in Oslo on behalf of IDHA.


Recent Achievements

Approximately 25 Israeli dental hygienists participated in the IFDH conference 2022 Dublin, Ireland, of which, four took part in the conference, lecturing on various topics, with two more presenting posters. In addition, the Israeli Dental Hygiene Association won second place in the IFDH Social Responsibility Award for “Oral health promotion for abused women and their children,” and third place in the IFDH Impact Awards for our “Tooth Fairy Social Media Project”.

Social Responsibility Projects

Dental hygienist are volunteering in three different projects.

Project one is called Project of Oral Health Education and Awareness with Released/Integrated prisoners is part of the general rehabilitation of the prisoner in preparation for release into society. Oral health is an integral part of general rehabilitation and allows the prisoner to take control over his overall health. Dental hygienists come to the rehabilitation center, instruct, and demonstrate proper oral health techniques and explain the importance of oral health in the context of the general health of the body. In addition, a toothbrush and toothpaste are given to each prisoner.

Project Two involves Dental Hygienists volunteering in Mental Health Care Facilities to strengthen the staff and residents’ abilities to maintain oral health. The connection between mental health and oral health is evident in the state of the residents’ oral health condition.

Dental Hygienists volunteering with teens and young women in facilities and instructing them in the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene and a healthy diet. The girls receive toothbrushes and toothpaste.


A Paradigm Shift to Management

As Japan has become the world’s most super-aged society, the field of practice for Dental Hygienists has been changing as well. In particular, the increasing number of Dental Hygienists working in acute care hospitals and those involved in home visits has caused a paradigm shift in the purpose of Dental Hygienists’ activities from treatment of dental diseases to oral health management (oral hygiene and function management). Signs of this paradigm shift is also evident at this year’s Annual Meeting. Of the 119 presentations, 33 are on dental treatment in acute care hospitals, 9 are on oral hypofunction (a new oral disorder first proposed by the Japanese Society of Gerontology), and 6 are on visiting dentistry.

New Zealand

First Association in the World, Uniting Dental Therapists, Dental Hygienists, & Oral Health Therapists


On November 21, 2021, Te Ohu Pūniho Ora O Aotearoa – The New Zealand Oral Health Association (NZOHA) became an Incorporated Society, becoming the first association in the world, uniting Dental Therapists, Dental Hygienists, and Oral Health Therapists. To celebrate this outstanding achievement, the NZOHA hosted a launch event on July 30, 2022 in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland. Not only was this our first in-person educational event, but we also held the first ever NZOHA Annual General Meeting. We honored the New Zealand Dental Oral Health Therapists Association (NZDOHTA) and New Zealand Dental Hygienists’ Association (NZDHA) life members and presented a special award to a NZDHA member for Outstanding Commitment & Service to the NZDHA. The event concluded with The Annual NZOHA Oral Health Practitioner Awards recognizing oral health practitioners who exemplify major commitment to oral health care, their profession, and the wider national and international communities (pictured L-R: Melody Martin, Anishma Ram, Lizelle Koen, Anna Hoyoake, President, Erin Campbell-Day, Samuel Carrington, Vice-President, Toni Shields and Heuiwon Chris Han).


Models for Private Payment and Official Subsidies

The Norwegian Dental Association is part of a government appointed committee for 2 years. This committee will consider Models for Private Payment and Official Subsidies, extension of public responsibility for Dental Services and alternative Models.

Recent & Future Activities

The NTpF recently managed the EDHF meeting in September in Oslo. It also will be inviting the county leaders for a 2 days meeting. They are invited as guest and taking part at the Dentist association national meeting. And it will continue working on the topic WHO Global Strategy and Sustainability in Oral Healthcare.

Slovak Republic


All-Slovak Professional Conference

The all-Slovak Professional Conference took place in September. The main topic of the conference was expert lectures on gynaecology and obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine. Emphasis was placed on the negative impact of chronic diseases of the dentoalveolar apparatus on the outcome of pregnancy, a systematic review, periodontal diseases, and premature birth. Pictured is ADHS President Anna Slovkova.

ADHS Provides Input to Ministry of Health

Between June and September 2022, intensive negotiations took place at the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic with the president of the ADHS and Chief Expert for Dental Hygiene at the Ministry of Health (MR SR), commenting on the Act regarding health care providers. Also at MR SR, the ADHS project “Generation Without Decay” was presented, the author of which is Anna Sloviaková. At the same time, the Ministry of Health was presented with information on the WHO Global Strategy on Oral Health and information on Sustainable Prevention in Dental Hygiene.