The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists


Resources on Violence & Abuse

CDHA recently published new resources on sexual harassment, abuse, and violence in the workplace that provide tips on recognizing and addressing these upsetting situations. Watch for a third title coming soon to complete the trio: Tips to Address Domestic Violence When it Affects the Workplace.

A Wave of Purple Across Canada


Every year, April 4–10 is National Dental Hygienists Week in Canada, and an exciting part of our “Put Your Purple On” celebration is the purple lighting of municipal landmarks. This year we surpassed all previous records, with 83 landmarks brightening the skies with the official color of Dental Hygiene in Canada. Bridges, buildings, signs, towers, and more displayed our shining #dhpurplepride and generated many conversations about the profession and oral health.


New Guideline to Prevent Malnutrition Focuses on Dental Care

The Danish Health Authority has published a new guideline on prevention of malnutrition among patients and senior citizens. The Danish Organization of Dental Hygienists pointed out in the hearing process leading up to the finalization of the guideline, that it is evident to include dental care in the general care of the patients and senior citizens who are at risk of becoming malnourished. Fortunately, information on how to prevent dental issues has officially been included in the guideline.


New Study Investigates Connection Between Oral and Medical Disease

“PlanPerioMed” is the name of a new Danish register-based study out of the University of Copenhagen. The study will evaluate the connection between periodontitis and medical diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular disease. The researchers behind the study expect the study to show how periodontitis affects the risk of developing medical disease. Furthermore, the researchers expect to make visible, that oral diseases should be considered equally important as medical diseases by society and decisionmakers.


IDHA Celebrates 35th Anniversary

IDHA celebrated its 35th Anniversary this year and we couldn’t be prouder than to be hosting the prestigious International Symposium in Dublin. We started as an association in a kitchen, and we are proud of where we are now. IDHA recently attended the Irish Dental Association annual conference. It was a great opportunity to continue building working relations with Irish dentists and to promote ISDH 2022 within the dental teams.


IDHA & Corporate Marketing

We collaborated with Oral B to have IDHA recognised on their new leaflets and IDHA hygienists took part in pharmacy promotions. We look forward to continuing to work Oral B in further programs. Pictured: IDHA President Linda Phelan and Dentist Naomi Rahman.




Slovak Republic

Generation Without Decay Module Launched

After a two-year pandemic break, the Association of Dental Hygienists Assembly was held in April, in Bešeňová, Slovakia. The Presidium informed members of its activities over the last period, financial management of the association, information about the ongoing as well as future projects, and recommendations on how to carry out educational meetings with pregnant women within the launched ADHS project titled “Generation without decay” module I. Pictured is ADHS Vice President Katarína Žiaková informing members at the assembly about the processes of implementing individual education within the Generation without Decay project.

South Africa

World Oral Health Day

As part of the annual Oral Health Day activities, Oral Hygienists, Soefia Amien and Debbie Prince merged their forces to host an educational campaign. An Oral Health initiative was geared towards improving education and awareness of oral health practices amongst Grade R to 3 learners by attending Ottery Road Methodist Primary School in Wynberg. The presentation was in the form of a puppet show. The fun filled session afforded the learners increased awareness of oral health practices, healthy eating habits and the importance of regular visits to the dentist. The oral health kit comprising of a toothbrush, toothpaste and leaflet reinforcing all the content of the presentation, was handed to all the learners in Foundation Phase.


HIDES Presents Messages to European Parliament Representatives

In Europe, access to oral health is not similar in all the member countries of the Union. This is the main message that the Vice-President and International Delegate of the Spanish. Federation of Oral Hygienists (HIDES), Eva López de Castro, has launched in the work meetings held recently with Spanish representatives in the European Parliament (MEPs), in order to present the harmonization project for the training received by hygienists in the common space.

HIDES also presented the work carried out by the European Federation of Dental Hygienists to three MEPs and proposed the creation of the common European Degree in Dental Hygiene to guarantee a harmonized right to oral health in the European Union.