The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists


Information to work in this country is available from

The Dutch Dental Hygienists’ Association
(Nederlandse Vereniging van Mondhygiënisten, NVM)

Tel: +31 30 6383714
Fax: +31 30 6383996

Procedures and/or documents that are necessary to be able to work in this country

Official licensing body in the country


Special conditions that may apply for hygienists that obtain employment

Bachelor of Health degree and Dutch language

Contact for Work Permit and/or Visa

Is a job offer required before a Work Permit/Visa is issued?


Main local and/or official language(s)


Are hygienists qualified overseas required to sit the country's national examination?


Information on the local working environment

Standard tasks that a hygienist is allowed to undertake in the country

In the Netherlands the areas of expertise considered to be those of a dental hygienist are:

  1. examination of the dental condition and of the tissues surrounding the teeth in relation to plaque-related disorders and on the basis of acquired data, establishing a diagnosis and designing a plan of treatment;
  2. screening for dental defects or other defects in oral health and referral to a dentist or physician if necessary;
  3. applying dental hygienic  treatment intended to prevent or repair disorders of the teeth and to remove or diminish disorders of the surrounding tissues with the exception of the preparation of primary cavities, referred to in part e, under 3°;
  4. providing instruction about dental health to a person with the aim to stimulate   behaviour that promotes oral health;
  5. by order of a dentist, applying X-rays in eligible patients for examinations, referred to under a; 2°. applying local anesthesia by the administration of injections with means indicated by Our Minister, for conduction- or infiltration anesthesia supporting the examinations, referred to under a, or for the treatment, referred to under c and under 3°;
  6. treating primary cavities by means of preparation for restoration with mouldable filling materials.

Further information

For our professional profile and legislation: see

Country Statistics

Total Population17,000,000
Number of Dental Hygienists, Female / Male2,850 / 150 (approx.)
Number of Dentists8,800
Number of Dental Hygiene Schools / Students per year4 / 300
Practicing Dental Hygienists: Full-time / Part-time2,100 / 900
Number of Dental Hygienists in private sector / public sectorNot applicable
Number of Dental Hygienists practicing as Clinicians2,600 (approx.)
Number of Dental Hygienists practicing as Educators100 (approx.)
Hygienists practicing as Administrators and/or Consultants50 (approx.)
Number of Dental Hygienists in other practice settings250 (approx.)

Links to related web sites

Information based on data received by IFDH in:


NOTE: The information provided above is for general guidance only. The International Federation of Dental Hygienists advises all hygienists to contact the country’s relevant licensing bodies and agencies for current information and regulations.