Information to work in this country is available from
APHO – Portuguese Dental Hygienist Association

Procedures and/or documents that are necessary to be able to work in this country
The request need to be sent to the Official licensing body listed below.
Candidates from EU
• Copy of identification ID card/Passport;
• Copy of diploma or certificate in original language and Portuguese translation;
• Study plan, with credit hours and respective programmatic contents;
• Payment of all process expenses
• Fulfill the requirement available here
Official licensing body in the country
Ministério da Saúde – Administração Central dos Sistemas de Saúde
E-mail: geral@acss.min-saude.pt
Internet: www.acss.min-saude.pt
Special conditions that may apply for hygienists that obtain employment
Is a job offer required before a Work Permit/Visa is issued?
Main local and/or official language(s)
Are hygienists qualified overseas required to sit the country's national examination?
Information on the local working environment
Hygienists in Portugal mainly work in private practices or at the National Health Service. Most Hygienists work in both at private sector and in NHS.
Standard tasks that a hygienist is allowed to undertake in the country
Assess and diagnose the needs , plan and implement the oral treatment and evaluate the treatment at individual level
Paln, implement and evaluate oral health programs at community level at several settings:
- Health Centers, Schools, kindergartens, Maternity hospitals, Institutions for special patients, Institutions for the elderly, general and oncology hospitals and occupational health.
Further information
Information based on data received by IFDH in:
NOTE: The information provided above is for general guidance only. The International Federation of Dental Hygienists advises all hygienists to contact the country’s relevant licensing bodies and agencies for current information and regulations.