IFDH eNews April 2022:

Program News

Lessons from IFDH Global Survey Data: What else can Dental Hygienists do to close the periodontal disease prevention gap?

A new article in RDH Magazine by Michaela ONeill advocates for more effective home hygiene recommendations to improve patients’ periodontal health. The paper highlights findings from 3 global IFDH surveys with sponsorship from P&G – on Dental Hygienists’ knowledge and practices around dentifrice, electric toothbrushes and the oral-systemic link. Click here to read the RDH Magazine article.

Proctor & Gamble

Have you taken the IFDH Survey #6 on Elderly Patients?

Help to better understand global Dental Hygienists’ practices regarding elderly (65 and older) patients. We would appreciate it if you participate in this simple survey, with a deadline of April 15th, 2022. It only takes a few minutes. Consistent with previous surveys, no personal information is collected. By taking the survey, respondents consent to have their anonymous responses used for these purposes. Click here to take the survey.

Empowering Women: We want to hear from you!!

The IFDH Social Responsibility Program for 2021 – 2022 is focused on the oral health of women in our society. This August in Dublin, Ireland, we will be awarding three projects with funds to further their community outreach. The recipients will present their outstanding programs to their colleagues at the ISDH.

Are you, or a dental hygienist in your country, providing oral health care or education to women? Women are key to the spread of oral health knowledge and we want to recognize our members that are providing essential oral health care to women in any setting. Visit the IFDH Website to find information on how to submit your report. The deadline for entries is April 15 and fast approaching and we want to hear from you.