The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists

IFDH & Global Child Dental Fund

Dental Hygienist - Social Responsibility Award

Improving Oral Health of Disadvantaged Children 2016 Volunteer Project

This program ran from 2014 – 2016 only.


The IFDH and the Global Child Dental Fund have launched a project to recognize, on an annual basis, hygienists and student hygienists who participate in a volunteering project which benefits disadvantaged children, mainly but not exclusively in low- and middle-income countries.

Eligibility Criteria

Any Dental Hygienist who is either an IFDH Individual or Student member, or member of an IFDH Country Member.

The project must be registered on the GCDFund website.

The GCDFund & IFDH Dental Hygienist Social Responsibility Award will be awarded to support any community volunteering project, in any country, which provides an Oral Health intervention for disadvantaged children.

Assessment criteria

Grant proposals will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • Alignment with GCDF mission and the WFPHA’s Declaration on Access to Oral Health for Children ( and
  • Needs assessment: Address the most pressing oral health needs in the community to be served.
  • Impact: The project should demonstrate improved oral health awareness to the target community.
  • Community support and previous project experience (if applicable).
  • Personal reflection by the candidate on lessons learned.


We have an award program for the 3 best projects uploaded to the GCDF Dental Electives e-depository website.

The best project, to be judged by three judges:

  • Hyewon Lee, GCDFund Consultant
  • Wanda Fedora and Corrie Jongbloed-Zoet, both from the IFDH Executive Council

There will be one winner who will receive a cash prize of $3,000 and $1,000 to the two runner-ups.

2016 Winners

1st Place – Sun Smiles
by Cathryn Carboon

2nd Place – Gift from the Heart
by Bev Woods

3rd Place – Endless Mission
by Hitomi Arimatsu