HoD Business Meeting

The HoD Business Meeting is held every two years, immediately before the International Symposium on Dental Hygiene and is one part of three IFDH elements:

Board of Directors Meeting: A 2-day meeting, followed by:

House of Delegates Business Meeting: A 2-day meeting and social events for IFDH HoD members only, followed by:

International Symposium: A 3-day scientific symposium with over 1,000 attendees from around the world.

This is the one in-person meeting for the House of Delegates. Motions are presented and voted on. Individual country members and committees present their work from the last term. A new board is elected. Awards are presented. New committees meet and plan for the next term. Guest speakers on timely topics. Social events include a Welcome Party and offsite dinner and entertainment. And lot of networking for all of our Dental Hygienists from around the world!

Photos: 2022 HoD Business Meeting, Malahide Ireland

HoD 2024 Business Meeting


(Final times may vary slightly)

Seoul, South Korea, 2024

Saturday, July 6 – Sunday, July 7:

  • Board Meeting

Monday July 8 – Wednesday July 10, 2024

Hotel: Sheraton Grand Incheon Hotel (see top photo at right),

              Reservation form in the HoD Resources/HoD Meetings page.

Monday July 8

  • 11 am – 6 pm


  • 1 pm – 4 pm

Leadership Seminar (more info below)

  • 6 pm – 8 pm 

Welcome Reception (registered attendees only)

  • 8 pm

Dinner on your own

Tuesday July 9

  • 8 am – 9 pm


  • 9 am – 5 pm

HoD 2023 Business Meeting

  • 6:30 pm – 10 pm

Bus to Dinner at Gyeogwonjae (see photos)

Wednesday July 10

  • 9 am – 10:30 am

HoD Business Meeting continued

  • 10:45 am –12 pm

Committee Meetings

  • 12 Noon                          

HoD Business Meeting ends. Pick up box lunch

  • 1 pm SHARP

Bus departs for ISDH Convention Centre Seoul

Convention Centre Seoul (COEX):               

  • 3 pm – 6pm

ISDH Registration

  • 3:30 pm – 5 pm

Delegates participate in Opening Ceremony Rehearsal

Associations may succeed or fail on the strength of their leaders. Do you have the leadership skills to help your association succeed? 

Do you have the leadership skills to help your association succeed?  Leadership issues for associations are many and varied, and they affect every aspect of your organization. This workshop addresses some of the challenges you may face in your organization and will help improve not only how your association functions but will benefit your own professional skills as well. Learn how to promote excellence among volunteer leaders and so much more! The IFDH is committed to a quality in leadership for all its member associations. With that in mind, this workshop will be led by our own delegates who will share their experiences and help provide guidance so that we all may succeed.

Click to learn more.

International Symposium on Dental Hygiene

Seoul, South Korea

July 11-13, 2024

For more information, visit www.ISDH2024.com

For ISDH Sponsorship and Exhibit information, contact Peter Anas

Future ISDH Locations

  • 2026:Milan, Italy: July 9-11, 2026
  • 2028:Dubai, United Arab Emirates: June 2028

Past ISDH Locations