IFDH eNews: September 2024
New Board Elected
Congratulations to the new IFDH Board of Directors recently elected at the HoD Business Meeting in Songdo, S. Korea. Led by incoming President Jill Rethman, of the United States, see the full list, photos and bio’s.

New Committees
The incoming President has appointed a new slate of Chairs for the 9 Committees immediately after the HoD Business Meeting. They have received their charges for the next two years and many have already met and started their work. See the full list, photos and responsibilities.
New Membership Criteria Added! Dental Therapists, Oral Health Therapists & Oral Therapists
After more than two years of research, interviews and discussions, the IFDH House of Delegates voted to allow national organizations which include Dental Therapists, Oral Health Therapists and/or Oral Therapists to join IFDH as Full Association Members. There will also be a new category of Individual Membership for the same professionals. Watch for updated membership materials and web pages coming soon.
IFDH White Paper Making the Rounds Canada, USA, Seoul & Online
The IFDH White Paper on Evidence-Based Self-Care Recommendations Matter: Findings from IFDH global surveys has been a hot topic around the world recently. It was featured at:
– Two presentations at the JDIQ (Journées Dentaires Internationales du Québec, Canada) in May 2024. The presentations reached more than 900 attendees.
– The ADHA Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. On the first day of the conference, Crest +OralB used the findings to conduct an informative panel discussion for the Opening General Session.
– The International Symposium on Dental Hygiene in Seoul, S. Korea, where all registrants received a copy.
Our 9th Survey Completed! ORTHODONTIC HYGIENE
The IFDH recently completed its 9th survey – this one entitled “Orthodontic Hygiene” – helping to better understand global Dental Hygienists’ practices around orthodontic hygiene. We thank P&G for their support of this program. Click here for a summary of the results.