The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists

IFDH eNews: April 2024


IFDH Awards Announced in Seoul
Impact Awards

The 2023 IFDH Impact Awards for national association programs that made the most impact on the improvement of oral health, and based on the quality of the program, were awarded, based on size of the national associations. Click to see the winners.

Innovation Awards

The IFDH Innovation Awards program recognizes innovative Dental Hygienists with a focus on technology and treatment who is currently in the process of developing, or already developed (in the past 5-6 years) in these 2 categories:
  • New equipment for achieving optimal oral health; or
  • New treatments or oral health products

Click to see the winners.

Research Grants

The IFDH Research Grants program for students enrolled in dental hygiene graduate programs conducting thesis research were awarded. Click to see the winners.

World Dental Hygienist Awards

SunStar World Dental Hygienist AwardsSince 2007, IFDH and the Sunstar Foundation have joined forces to present the World Dental Hygienist Awards to recognize Dental Hygienists who have made significant contributions to dental hygiene science, or to patients, the community and the general public. Click to see the winners.