The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists

IFDH eNews: September 2024


Hygienists from 36 Countries Attend Our 2024 International Symposium in Seoul

International Symposium on Dental Hygiene 2024How nice it was to see many familiar faces after two years! Over 1,300 attendees from 36 countries attended the International Symposium on Dental Hygiene, in Seoul, S. Korea. A powerful education program offered a plethora of topics under the CORE themes of Collaboration, Optimization, Reimagination, and Equality, featuring 101 oral presentations and 158 poster presentations from 24 countries! Read the full article and pictures too.

House of Delegates Meeting:
Views from Around the Globe

In the city of Songdo, S. Korea, 90 minutes outside of Seoul, three days prior to ISDH, representatives from 20 IFDH national association members met to renew and develop new friendships and discuss common issues. Read more.

Delegate Leadership Workshop:
Growing. Learning. Leading!

The 2024 Leadership Workshop engaged and inspired IFDH delegates to fully understand and participate in their important roles as leaders in their organizations, along with how best to advocate for change. Read more.

Global Oral Health Summit:
Global Perspectives on the Changing Demands of Oral Healthcare

The IFDH Global Oral Health Summit series again brought together influential worldwide leaders in a panel format to discuss how Dental Hygienists can contribute to reduce the burden of oral health diseases and its economic global impact. Read more.

Sharing Oral Health Knowledge for Sustainable Smiles Award Winners Give Presentations in Seoul

The 2022 – 2024 IFDH Social Responsibility Campaign “Sharing Oral Health Knowledge for Sustainable Smiles,” was embraced by Dental Hygienists worldwide. The 3 winning projects that shared oral health knowledge with teachers, colleagues, assistants, nurses and care givers who in turn can help others – Teaching the teacher – explained their programs at a workshop at the International Symposium in Seoul. Click to see the winners.