IFDH Research Grant Program
The purpose of this program is to promote experience in the research process and dissemination of findings contributing to the dental hygiene body of knowledge.
This grant program will provide small grants for students enrolled in dental hygiene graduate programs conducting thesis research. Students will submit a mini-proposal for consideration. Small grants will be provided (maximum up to $2000) and projects may not be fully funded. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all funds are granted.
2021 Awardees:
Karen Lansdown
The University of Sydney School of Dentistry Australia
Oral health literacy and quality of life to determine oral health outcomes amongst people with cerebral palsy (CP) and/or their caregivers in Australia.
Oral health related conditions are particularly important for people with cerebral palsy (CP). The first project in this body of research mapped the existing literature to identify the reported oral health conditions experienced by people with CP worldwide. The current project will investigate the oral health related quality of life for people of all ages with CP in Australia. Future projects will examine the enablers and barriers to dental services access, explore the perspectives of dental professionals who provide care for people with CP, provide clinical recommendations to improve the oral health for people with CP and identify priorities for future research.
Lars S. J. Toonen
University of Utrecht The Netherlands
The effect of chlorhexidine mouthwash on blood pressure.
A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Chlorhexidine-mouthwash is currently the gold-standard antimicrobial agent in plaque control. It is suggested that chlorhexidine affects the composition of the oral flora and might influence nitrite related regulation of blood pressure. If this is the case, an increase in blood pressure may be one of the side-effects. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to summarize the available scientific literature to investigate whether the use of chlorhexidine-mouthwash affects human blood pressure. It answers a daily clinical question that is of importance of both dental care professional and patients. Till so far, the effect of chlorhexidine-mouthwash on blood pressure is uncertain.
Bregje van Swaaij
Academic Centre of Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) The Netherlands
Fluoride, pH value and buffer capacity of commercially available mouthwashes: an in vitro study
For Dental Care Professionals it is important to be aware of the active ingredients and clinically relevant (side) effects of mouthwashes. To date, results published on fluoride, pH value, and buffer capacity have been incomplete, inconclusive and uncertain of source and publication year. The aim of this in vitro experimental study is to generate a comprehensive overview of commercially available mouthwashes in the Netherlands, by assessing total soluble fluoride, pH value, and buffer capacity. Total soluble fluoride will be analyzed using an Ion-Selective Electrode, pH and buffer capacity by digital pH meter with combined glass electrodes.