IFDH Research Grant Program
The purpose of this program is to promote experience in the research process and dissemination of findings contributing to the dental hygiene body of knowledge.
This grant program will provide small grants for students enrolled in dental hygiene graduate programs conducting thesis research. Students will submit a mini-proposal for consideration. Small grants will be provided (maximum up to $2000) and projects may not be fully funded. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all funds are granted.
2022 Awardees:
Thomas Knoors
University of Amsterdam
Common practices of dental implant maintenance among dental
hygienists in Belgium
In Belgium, the dental hygiene profession is established since 2019. This study identifies the
training, knowledge, and common practices regarding dental implant maintenance among
dental hygienists working in Belgium. It is a cross-sectional, 31-item web-based survey. The
main study parameters are divided into 5 sections: education, knowledge related to the
treatment of peri-implant infections, clinical and radiographic assessment of dental implants,
diagnosis- and prevention of peri-implant disease. Regional differences will be explored and
as currently 4 Universities of Applied Sciences educate hygienists, also sub-analyses will be
performed on potential differences.
Anna Ness
University of Toronto
Strong Children: The Role of lndigeneity on Oral Health and Nutrition of First Nations Children.
Indigenous children in Canada experience higher rates of dental caries compared to non-Indigenous children. This mixed methods study employs an explanatory sequential methodology to determine and understand the role of Indigenous cultural identity (lndigeneity) . Specifically, this study seeks to understand the ways in which lndigeneity acts as a social determinant of health for positive oral health and nutrition outcomes of First Nations children. The quantitative strand aims to determine the role of lndigeneity on oral health and nutrition of First Nations children. The qualitative strand aims to understand the role of lndigeneity on oral health and of First Nations children.