The Internation Federation of Dental Hygienists

IFDH President's Report

February 2019

Happy New Year to our members, delegates and readers!

Board Update

The IFDH Board of Directors started out the New Year with a Board meeting and a Strategic Planning session which will see our organization continue to move in a positive direction of growth for the future. It includes many strategies for improving the functioning of our organization, that we are sure our members will appreciate as we move forward. The Plan will be unveiled at the House of Delegates meeting in Brisbane in August.

Please note that all approved Board meeting Minutes, are posted to the secure section of the website for access by House of Delegates only.

IFDH Annual dues

Annual dues notices have been sent out for Member Associations and Individuals. We appreciate your support of the IFDH!

House of Delegates Business Meeting

Remember that the deadline for submitting your delegates names and payment was due on January 31, 2019. Check to see that your form been submitted?

ISDH 2019

The International Symposium is the focus for this year and as we enter the final year of planning we are very pleased with the progress made by the organisers from the DHAA, and especially for the progress being made in the short timeframe available.

  • Registration: ISDH Early Bird registration is available until March 31 (click here). So, register early to get the discount.
  • Tours: Be sure to take advantage of your time in Queensland by taking advantage of the Pre and Post package tours. You can visit the beautiful Gold Coast and Great Barrier reef or example –
  • Social Responsibility Program: Our unique Social Responsiblility Program will be on Friday afternoon at the Symposium. Be sure to come and hear the presentation by Professor Murray Thomson from Otago University. You’ll also learn about the programs out members have developed since the Social Responsibility Conference in Florence, Italy, in 2017. A special thank you to Dentsply-Serona and Curasept for their sponsorship of this unique program.
  • Promoting ISDH: To our delegates, we hope that you have been promoting the ISDH to your members, allowing them ample time to make travel plans to Australia. Thank you for this!

Welcome to Our New Sponsors

We want to welcome our new IFDH sponsors this year. We are delighted to have Curasept, and Pierre Fabre generously supporting our Federation and look forward to the new partnerships. Details will be released soon about the new and improved Every Child has a Toothbrush program supported by Curasept.

Robyn Watson RDH, BSc, MPA
President IFDH

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